Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hip Hop is helping to destroy more Black men than the war.?

Why do we allow Hip Hop to still glorify crime and lewdness? Is rap only about the worst scenarios in the Afro-American community? It certainly did not start that way. It was mostly positive at first. Along with Whites, Latino, Asian and Middle Eastern, drug traffickers bringing drugs to the black community to sell for them. Hip Hop still glorifies a fictitious life style to young impressionable ignorant black males. Continuing with the 80鈥檚 Government鈥檚 plan to destroy afro-American males we will continue to be imprisoned and killed behind a false lifestyle that Satan has pushed on us by wicked, dirty, evil men of other nationalities. . No they don鈥檛 make us sell it but provide it for us to sell aided by Hip Hop. Let鈥檚 get the *%^#@鈥檚 that brings the drugs to our neighborhoods. Afro-American roots is not that of drugs or vile scenarios though our music, which has a great rich positive heritage. Let鈥檚 get past that age in America. Stop supporting Hip Hop in its present form.

Psalms 12:8 The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.

Hip Hop is helping to destroy more Black men than the war.?stars myspace

I choose not to follow Hip-Hop and all of the other music styles, including top 40, r%26amp;b and all of the other styles that are not Christian/Inspirational.

It is clear that Secular music is designed to break down everyone that follows it.

Hip Hop is helping to destroy more Black men than the war.?myspace songs

I agree totally. When will they realize the music they listen to, does affect they way they live and think.....The death rate among black men in this nation is sickening. When will it stop?
hip hop and crap I mean rap support drugs, violence and underage sex They need to be abolished, Yeah I know this is gonna piss a lot of people off, The truth works that way
I missed the question.

Oprah and Cosby are pretty great.
What? It seems to me that if "they", whether that be whites, Asians, or African Americans, chose to sell drugs and create self defying music that depicts their culture as being barbaric and ignorant, than that's their problem. Since I am a woman, I feel that women who are strippers and prostitutes contaminate the popular opinion about my gender. And I don't appreciate it, however, you can't chose for someone. Everyone has to make their own choices. Yes, pray for them, pray for our culture, but don't try to force people to see things your way. You know Jesus never 'berated' the average sinner, He loved on them. It was the religious leaders that taught wrong beliefs and thought they were better than everyone that Jesus 'berated'. Just love people and try to show them a better way.
HIP HOP IS HERE TO STAY! Do you actually listen to the lyrics? My guess is NO. Most Hip Hop singers are talking about their everyday life. how they were but now no longer. not all hip hopsters are in the NEGATIVE LIGHT. Would you say that about heavy metal? what about rock and so forth? think about it. It's people like you that put Hip Hop down and do not know what it stands for. Although i listen to jazz and gospel mostly HIP HOP IS HERE TO STAY........GET USED TO IT!
I totaly agree with you.
I was just wondering why everyone is always on hip-hop, there is other music out there that is saying the same thing hip-hop is, come on! music can't make a person do anything, all it does is let you know what is really happening out there, and if you listen good, hip-hop tells you that you can get out the HOOD or any other place you want to get out of... with work, talent, skills,etc......... I Love hip-hop, if people would just sit back and listen and not judge so much you would understand, that it is great music!
I think your wrong in your "opinion"

Why is the music gloryfying the criminal way. Stop and think about's the other way around, The people are brought up in that life style (as they say da hood) which maybe they have no choice to get out of it. sometimes they describe what their life was like in these hard times, not always say do it it's cool.

It maybe send out the wrong impression to a small amount of the younger generations, like you.

As for boycotting that music, why?

just becaus it has criminal lyrics.....ok how about JJ Cale, Buck Cherry the beatles all of them have sung a song about drugs, so it's not a defined group that (as you put it) gloryfy crime, I could go on with the names of bands or singers that seem to advocate the lifestle of drugs like babyshambles, ozzy osbourne......

so hip hop is not destroying the black community, it's the community it's self that is doing it.

If you have no will to get yourself out of it, you never will!
I have listened to the lyrics and they mostly are not positive. B's Hoe鈥檚, killing, murder, is not music it's Bull. Hip Hop is a cheap, crappie way of trying to ruin our music heritage and make our fellow young men suffer for some people鈥檚 sick and sadistic idea of entertainment. Hip Hop is Afro- American music at its worst.

Hip Hop is not here to stay in the name of Jesus; nor is the continued destruction of our youth aided by it. I pray a curse on it every day. I鈥檓 am ready for a different black experience in America.
Excuse me miss but the music you see on t.v and the radio by so called rappers is pop. See in hip hop and rap you try and be creative and unique. While in pop you try and aim for being the biggest attention whore. Now listen to some Immortal Technique, Rugged Man, Akir, Ill Bill, and even Jedi Mind Tricks then claim that hip hop is trash.

By the way also look up ClearWire and see why that the real hip hop and rap is not on our radios. While your at it look up House Negroes (Malcolm X speech) and then watch a 50 Cent music Video.
there is plenty of good hip hop out there it's just pushed underground. hip hop to me and many others is dead it no longer has the same self expression it once had and all it is now is people milking the same gimick over and over. they're doing whatever makes them money if the people who bought the records focused on more positive stuff then everyone would jump on that bandwagon so they could get a peace of the pie i still love hip hop but will i can't stand the commercial stuff everybody sounds the same. most music styles talk about debauchery and criminal acts or sex. except for your religious artist. and i am tired of people acting like all music is positive except for rap. but people are responsible for themselves if you want to emulate what you hear be prepared for the consequences.
I see Hip-Hop and Rap as a depiction of a certain aspect of reality, rather than as an influence over it. In order to understand some music, or some 'wave' you need to see what it came from, what were its causes. In the beginning HipHop was a reaction of the poverty, a revolt against the social issues that are so much related to poverty. Now, as the genre became more successful, it represents these once poor (sometimes non-educated) people rising up. All they say now is: 'look where I've been and look what I've become, I was poor and now I can live beyond my dreams, so you can do that as well'. They like big cars and lots of women, and gold teeth, because that represents everything they know about living well (think about lack of education here). Indeed, the model they present is destructive, in the sense that it gives superficial targets in living, but when you see that your Dad can't get a job and when your heart breaks seeing your mother starting to drink because she can't cope with all her trouble, it is easy to understand why many young kids that skip school - nobody would care about them anyway - (and i'm not necessarily referring to Black kids here) start looking up at all those people flashing their riches on TV.

I used many many words here, but, as I see it, saying that Hip Hop destroys people is just like saying that Marilyn Manson is guilty for the Columbine massacre. It means that something is missing here, and turns us to think shallow.
*** da bullshyt;...
Hey lets blame everything on rap/hip-hop and video games again, great idea, so original!!!

Ever look to see what family life they came from that may have led to that, and they just happen to listen to that? Rock/Screamo talks about killing yourself/others many a times, does that mean everyone who listens to that is comitting suicide/homicide?
well..It seems that bashing hip hop is helping destroy critial work hours...give it up...
To a certain extent i agree with you but they are some people like myself who listen to hip hop but don't take drugs (never really seen any just on t.v), I don't sleep around and would never encourage it and no evil thoughts go through my head. Some people just need to learn the difference between reality and fiction.
yea hip-hop!!!.... not poverty, jealousy, envy, denial of the American dream. If people stop rapping, then all will be well in the African-American community. We will all hold hands and sing songs of peace when hip-hop is destroyed. UHH....OK!!

BTW....What color is the sky in your world??

don't blame hip hop, blame the lack of parenting.......

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